Sayings - Englisch/German
Auf frischer Tat ertappt werden - To get caught with one's hands in the cookie jar.
Ich lese ständig mal solche, aber mir fallen die im Moment nicht alle ein, wenn mir noch was einfällt post ichs.
Curiosity killed the cat -> I don't think theres any german saying for that?
to kill to birds with one stone -> Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klatsche schlagen.
A rolling stone gathers no moss -> Wer rastet der rostet. -
To be caught in a quagmire - sich in der Patsche wiederfinden
We'll be damned. - Ich glaube mich laust der Affe ;P
Come off it. - Glaube ich nicht. -
Curiosity killed the cat -> I don't think theres any german saying for that?
Neugier ist der Katze Tod.
Hab ich schonmal gehört. -
Please speak englisch in this area
Please speak englisch in this area
QuoteHello guys!
We already have a thread for funny sayings, you can find it here. So, this is our thread for real sayings.
- "There is no such thing as a free lunch." - "Es gibt nichts umsonst."
- "It's raining cats and dogs." - "Es regnet in Strömen."
And now, it's your turn. Which sayings do you know?
Apropos sayings:
Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house. -
If it is a translation, you have to write german, of course. But you spoke german in every case. That's what I meant!
If it is a translation, you have to write german, of course. But you spoke german in every case. That's what I meant!
I know. I just wanted to introduce another saying. =D
Die Katze aus dem sack lassen. - Tpo let the Cat out of the bag.
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