Posts by Narnia Stralthe
Ein kleiner Tipp für alle Freunde der gepflegten Cartoon-Katzen-Unterhaltung: SIMON'S CAT
In den höchstens 2 Minuten langen Filmchen gehts um eine Katze die ihren Besitzer (Simon) wahnsinnig macht...
Hier ein kleine Kostprobe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3JC24p0YsA&feature=g-user-u -
Milow - You and Me
Ja aber natürlich... die Kindergartenzeit war schon was Schönes
Erinnerst du dich noch an deinen 18. Geburtstag? -
Itchy Poopzkid - The Lottery
Today I woke up
And looked outside
They're all moving so fast
They're all moving so fast
This light is far too bright
Then I got dressed up
And sat down again
Oh I wish I was different
I wish I was different
The pettiness remainsAnd I must
I've never won the lottery
Maybe just
I never playedAnd so I waste my days
Without a light to chase
I gotta leave this place
Or find a way
But I just sit and
Pray right here
What is it that I fear?
I need a remedy
In any way
Today's my lucky daySometimes real life
Seems so afar
But you're never as lonely
You're never as lonely
As you think that you are
Need to remember
What I was taught
The role of your lifetime
The role of your lifetime
Is to never get caughtAnd I hope
You know
That I didn't mean the lottery
I just think
I should
Start to liveI won't waste my days
Without a light to chase
I gotta leave this place
Or find a way
I won't just sit and
Pray right here
What is it that I fear?
I need a remedy
In any way
Today's my lucky dayAnd I hope
You know
That I didn't mean the fucking lottery
I just think
I should
Start to liveI won't waste my days
Without a light to chase
I gotta leave this place
Or find a way
I won't just sit and
Pray right here
What is it that I fear?
I need a remedy
In any way
Today not stop to
Waste my days
Without a light to chase
I gotta leave this place
Or find a way
I won't just sit and
Pray right here
What is it that I fear?
I need a remedy
In any way
Today's my lucky day -
Harry Potter - 10
Hermione Granger - 13
Ginny Weasley - 9
Fred Weasley - 10
George Weasley - 10
Draco Malfoy - 17
Crabbe -10
Goyle -10
Mad Eye Moody - 10
Luna Lovegood - 11
Barty Crouch sen. - 8
Barty Crouch jun. - 10
Neville Longbottom - 12
Cho Chang - 8
Oliver Wood - 10
Dean Thomas - 10
Lavender Brown - 9
Seamus Finnagan -10
Blaise Zabini - 10
Madame Maxime - 3
Igor Karkaroff - 10
Rufus Scrimgour - 10
Pansy Parkinson - 9
Gregory Goyle - 10
Vincent Crabbe - 10
Victor Krum - 10
Fleur Delacour - 10
Nymphadora Tonks - 10
Sibyll Trelawney - 15
Poppy Pomfrey - 10
Argus Filch - 10
Dobby - 10
Winky - 10
Kreacher - 10
Mundungus Fletcher - 9
Lily Potter - 15
James Potter - 9
Sirius Black - 10
Remus Lupin - 11
Teddy Lupin - 10
Albus Dumbledore - 10
Aberforth Dumbledore -10
Prof. McGonagall - 13
Severus Snape - 24
Peter Pettigrew - 10
Regulus Black - 10
Narzissa Malfoy - 10
Lucius Malfoy - 13
Bellatrix Lestrange - 8
Rodolphus Lestrange - 10
Scabior - 10
Molly Weasley - 10
Arthur Weasley - 10
Percy Weasley - 10
Bill Weasley - 10
Charly Weasley - 10
Rubeus Hagrid - 0
Voldemort - 9
Pius Thicknisse - 10
Dolores Umbridge - 10
Gilderoy Lockhart - 10
Petunia Dursley - 10
Vernon Dursley - 9
Dudley Dursley - 8 -
Ganz hohes Tier
Noch ziemlich gut... warn ziemliches Fiasko
Erinnerst du dich noch an deine erste selbstgekaufte CD?
Oans Zwoa Gsoffa!
Reden ist silber
1. Guave
2. Hagebutte
3. Pflaume-Zimt
4. Banane-Aprikose
5. ErdbeerBrotaufstriche
Feuer und Flamme
Rosa Lebkuchenherz
Engagiert und sehr kreativ (Fürs Zeichnen gibs noch einen fetten Bonus
Mütter haben ein perfektes Timing
Hm..das ist schwierig...aber ich hab dich mir immer ein bisschen so vorgestellt
[Blocked Image: http://i48.tinypic.com/29di68l.jpg] -
Das Paar kommt zwar weder in den Büchern noch in den Filme vor, aber irgendwie finde ich die Vorstellung von Luna Lovegood und Dean Thomas sehr interessant... sie sind beide sehr kreativ, und irgendwie würden sie ganz gut zusammenpassen
Unheimlich herzlicher User, der einem das Gefühl gibt, immer willkommen zu sein