Beiträge von Liv

    Erst mal danke euch :)

    Jau, sicherlich habe ich so meine Lieblingscharaktere. ^^ Definitiv Sirius, Fred und George.
    "Fluffyhundegassigehexperte" - ich habe endlich meine Bestimmung gefunden :DD

    Uh, perfekt ;)
    Okay, ich habe eigentlich zwei wirkliche Lieblingslieder.

    Nobody, not even the rain - La Dispute

    I know that someday you'll be sleeping, darling, likely dreaming off the pain.
    I hope you'll hear me in the streetlight's humming, softly breathing out your name.
    I know that even with the seams stitched tightly, darling scars will remain.
    I say we scrape them from each other, darling, and let them wash off in the rain.
    And when they run into the river, oh no, let the water not complain.
    I swear that even with the distance, slowly wearing out your name,
    Your hands still catch the light the right way and
    Our hearts still beat the same.

    Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance

    Late dawns and early sunsets, just like my favorite scenes
    Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like up on the screen
    And the whole time while always giving
    Counting your face among the living

    Up and down escalators, pennies and colder fountains
    Elevators and half price sales, trapped in by all these mountains
    Running away and hiding with you
    I never thought they'd get me here
    Not knowing you'd change from just one bite
    I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight

    But does anyone notice?
    But does anyone care?
    And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
    But would anything matter if you're already dead?
    And well should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
    Before I pull this trigger,
    Your eyes vacant and stained...

    But does anyone notice?
    But does anyone care?
    And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
    And would anything matter if you're already dead?
    And now should I be shocked by the last thing you said?
    Before I pull this trigger,
    Your eyes vacant and stained...
    And in saying you loved me,
    Made things harder at best,
    And these words changing nothing
    As your body remains,
    And there's no room in this hell,
    There's no room in the next,
    And our memories defeat us,
    And I'll end this direst.

    But does anyone notice?
    But does anyone care?
    And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
    But does anything matter if you're already dead?
    And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
    Before I pull this trigger,
    Your eyes vacant and stained...
    And in saying you loved me,
    Made things harder at best,
    And these words changing nothing
    As your body remains,
    And there's no room in this hell,
    There's no room in the next,
    But does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed?


    wie man sich sicher denken kann, bin ich gerade als Frischling hier angekommen und stelle mich jetzt einfach mal vor :)
    Meine Name ist Olivia, werde aber immer nur Liv genannt, und werde in nicht mehr ganz einem Monat fünfzehn.

    Ich bin schon seit der Grundschule ein riesen Harry Potter - Fan und beschäftige mich immer wieder gerne mit J. K. Rowlings Zauberwelt. Da ich von vorne rein eine kleine Leseratte bin, habe ich schon alle Bücher mehrmals hinter mir. Immer noch awesome, egal wie oft man sie liest. Ansonsten hab' ich auch alle acht Filme gesehen und gelebt, besonders Teil vier und fünf haben es mir angetan.
    So, was noch? Eigentlich bin ich mehr oder weniger auch ein Schreiberling, eigentlich ein Hobby von mir, aber an Harry Potter hab' ich mich bisher noch nicht gewagt. Wer weiß, vielleicht entsteht ja irgendwann mal eine Fanfic, die ich euch eventuell zu füttere. ^^
    Neben Büchern interessiere ich mich sehr für Musik. Ganz wichtig für mich.

    Okay, das wäre es dann wohl erst einmal von mir,